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lost photo album at crown tourney
Poster: many waters cannot quench love <lisa@technomancer.com>
unto the denizens of the merry rose does melys send greetings, and a
plea for assistance!
i brought my SCA photo album to the last crown tourney - at which earl
cuan and lady bera became prince and princess - and it managed not to come
home with me. it has five years' worth of pictures in it, and i'm very
close to inconsolable at its loss...
it's a large black and maroon album, unlabelled. the photos in it are
from three pennsics as well as numerous other atlantian events; the first
photos are from sacred stone's baronial birthday, and there should be a
picture of master bran in red and black attire on the first or second
if anyone knows who has the lost-and-found from crown, or if i have been
undeservingly blessed and someone picked it up by mistake and wants to
return it to me, please contact me! i can be reached at this address or
at lisa@trinet.com; my home phone number is 919-786-0980. i will gladly
pay postage / shipping / etc., or i'll be at twelfth night and could
collect it there..
many thanks for your aid,
angharad melys, baby free scholar
windmaster's hill, atlantia
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