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RE: "Lady fighters"

Poster: "Sussman, Jeff" <JSussman@sss.niaid.nih.gov>

Greetings from Richard Fitzgilbert!

Duchess Lorna wrote ..

"....The good news is that today, no one thinks twice about the ladies   
being on the field in armour. "

Well, not quite.  In Atlantia, there have been some fighters who have   
been around A Long Time (tm) who won't take the field against a lady.   
 Almost all of these people are now inactive or not fighting.  At least   
one of these people has recalled that when ladies were allowed to fight,   
those objecting to fighting them would be accomodated.

When I joined the SCA, these fighters would be reseeded in a tourney list   
when they drew a female opponent.  Several years ago, the people running   
tournaments stopped going out of their way to accomodate these fighters   
and forced them to fight or concede.

In in the mists of the dawn of Atlantian time, the numbers of the   
"objectors" was very very small and has decreased since.

Your Mileage May Vary  
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