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RE: Pennsic XXVI

Poster: Charlene Noto <charlenn@MICROSOFT.com>

You were right about the page maintained by Ellisf. It now reads:


2-17 - Debatable Lands (Butler, PA), Pennsic XXVI (ARP, ERP) 


>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Tom Brady [SMTP:tabrady@mindspring.com]
>Sent:	Sunday, December 29, 1996 12:04 PM
>To:	Merry Rose
>Subject:	Re: Pennsic XXVI
>Poster: Tom Brady <tabrady@mindspring.com>
>Probably the best place to watch for a link to a Pennsic XXVI page is the
>AEthelmarc Calendar page (maintained by Ellisif):
> http://www-cgi.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/usr/mjc/www/aeth/calendar.html
>(who will have to choose between a family reunion and Pennsic, and suspects
>he'll be at Cooper's Lake)
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