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Kingdom Arts Festival - Guidelines [long]

Poster: Charlene Noto <charlenn@MICROSOFT.com>

Festival Categories:

1.	Fiber Arts - Examples include Costuming, Weaving, Spinning,
2.	Paint and Pen - Examples include Painting, Illumination,
3.	Durable Goods - Examples include Woodwork, Leatherwork, Armor,
Carving, Pottery, Baskets
4.	Consumable Goods - Examples include Brewing, Cooking, Garnishes
5.	Performance Arts - Examples include Vocal, Instrumental,
Storytelling and Drama
6.	Composition - Research Papers, Musical Composition/Arrangement
and Poetry

** Note: If there are enough entries to warrant separation, entries will
be broken into separate sub-categories.

Rules and Guidelines

1.	An artisan may enter one item per category for the judged
competition but may have as many entries in a category as desired for
the Peer's Prize Tourney or the Open Display. (See exception for the
Performance Arts)
2.	An entrant may participate in both the Judged Competition and
the Peer's Prize Tourney.
3.	Each entry must be registered. (See special considerations for
categories 5 and 6). A card for entry is included at the end of this
letter and will also be available at the site. Save time by making
copies and filling it out before the event. A special table will be set
up for registering your entries.
4.	Entries by proxy may only participate in the Judged Competition
or the Open Display
5.	All entries should be relevant to the study of the Middle Ages,
pre 17th century. 
6.	No kits. No filk. Works-in-Progress ARE allowed.
7.	Participants must be attending their entry for the specified
hour's time during the Peer's Prize Tourney.
8.	Children wishing feedback must attend their work during the
specified half-hour during the Children's Display.
9.	Laurel's experienced in a particular field are asked to place
their entry under the Display Only option. However, Laurel's in a new
field of study are welcome to enter both the Judged Competition and the
Peer's Prize Tourney.
10.	If an artisan opts for the Judged Competition, the entry will be
judged in the following areas: Authenticity or SCA Usefulness,
Workmanship and Quality, Creativity, Presentation of Display and
11.	Research Papers for the Judged Competition must have a copy sent
to Mistress Teleri Talgelawg, mka Susan Downs Reed, 2941 Fairmont St.,
Falls Church, VA 22042 by May 31. Citations are required. Papers should
have a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 25 pages. MLA or Chicago
writing format is recommended but not required. For display at the
event, research papers should have a one-page synopsis included.
Research papers will not be accepted for the Judged Competition on site,
however, the artisans are welcome to participate in the Peer's Prize
12.	Musical Composition/Arrangement for the Judged Competition must
have a copy sent to Master Thomas Smyth of Ayr, mka Cdr. E.T. Smith
(ret.), 3305 Pine Belt Rd., Columbia, SC 29204-3126 by May 31. A tape of
the arrangement or composition is appreciated but not required. Written
music compositions/arrangements will not be accepted for the Judged
Competition on site, however, the artisans are welcome to participate in
the Peer's Prize Tourney.
13.	Performance Arts for both the Judged Competition and the Peers
Prize Tourney must pre-register their time slot at the beginning of the
event. Performances will be limited to 5 minutes. Artisans may enter 1
solo performance and participate in a total of 2 performances. The time
schedule will be strictly enforced.
14.	The results of the Judged Competition will be given to the
artisans after the Peer's Prize Tourney and before Court, when artisans
pick up their work.

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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org