The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Thu Jan 29 00:56:22 98
291 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
- Re: Atlantian University Combat Archery Class Results,
blackbow (02/02/97)
- Re: University Info,
David W. James (02/02/97)
- from Triton,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (02/03/97)
- When is stuff,
Gene Bonar (02/03/97)
- RE: will the real miri please stand up?,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (02/03/97)
- Test,
Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir (02/03/97)
- Talis (I think that was your name),
David H Ritterskamp (02/03/97)
- New OMACL Releases -- (X-POSTED!),
James and/or Nancy Gilly (02/03/97)
- Bright Hills Investiture - Ride Needed,
Dave Montuori (02/03/97)
- Arts and Sciences Guild Contacts in An Tir,
Terry L. Neill (02/03/97)
- Crusade,
Scott Vaughan (02/03/97)
- stierbach demo - help requested,
- Northern Regional Exchequer Correction,
Hinson, Jerome (02/04/97)
- Known World Dance Symposium - Thanks,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (02/04/97)
- When is it, Part two,
Gene Bonar (02/04/97)
- The Merry Rose FAQ,
The Merry Rose (02/04/97)
- Review: Medieval Furniture Construction book,
David KUIJT (02/04/97)
- FW: [Mid] A New Pennsic NEWS PAPER?,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (02/04/97)
- A loss in Trimaris - from the Rialto,
many waters cannot quench love (02/04/97)
- Crusade (fwd),
Craig Levin (02/04/97)
- Ymir,
Scott Vaughan (02/04/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Ymir,
Janet Toney/Terry Neill (02/16/97)
- Boar Hunt: When is it, Part Duex,
Gregory and Debbie Stapleton (02/04/97)
- Viking Longships,
Terry L. Neill (02/04/97)
- submission to Acorn,
The Davidsons (02/04/97)
- Master Dafydd ap Gwystl,
Nancee Beattie (02/05/97)
- new shire or college,
Janine H Sutter (02/05/97)
- a poem_ of the shire of drockentor; the shire that had no name , then had a new name often , they have had many senashals, they have all moved away. they are few in number, but have big ideas. you said you would like an idea for a poem, will tjis help , thank you.,
Linda Jones (02/05/97)
- music?,
- hopefully "final" next list again - LONG,
Becky McEllistrem (02/05/97)
- Re: Musicians wanted,
Griffith Davis (02/05/97)
- Gregory Blount,
Terry L. Neill (02/05/97)
- Rochsbury Mill?,
Finnean (02/06/97)
- Fwd: Rochsbury Mill?,
Hinson, Jerome (02/06/97)
- pinching and event dates,
seareach (02/06/97)
- E-mail Addresses?,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (02/06/97)
- NEW SCA Genealogy Listserve...,
macliam (02/06/97)
- A comprehensive list of practices,
J Harvey Davis (02/06/97)
- Runestone Collegium,
Hinson, Jerome (02/07/97)
- Siege of Troy and/or Archery,
Gene Bonar (02/07/97)
- Fiberglass Spear Poles,
David KUIJT (02/07/97)
- Thursday fight practice for Ponte Alto,
Neil Maclay (02/07/97)
- re:revolting pheasants,
seareach (02/07/97)
- UNreal Miriam, price list and Herbs,
Terry L. Neill (02/07/97)
- Archery meeting at Ymir,
Richard Markman (02/07/97)
- Archery meeting repair,
Richard Markman (02/07/97)
- Lesser known Latin Phrases......,
Louise Sugar (02/08/97)
- FW: [SCA-WEST:8289] Re: [SCA-CAID:9614] Elizabeth's Seal Bag (was: Fwd from Calontir list),
Louise Sugar (02/08/97)
- minstrel: E-mail legislation alert!,
seareach (02/08/97)
- E-mail lists of atlantia,
DUEListt (02/09/97)
- Tourney of Ymir,
Lordgaelan (02/09/97)
- Re: Tourney of Ymir & Babylon 5,
MHWag (02/10/97)
- Request to future autocrats for pet restriction info,
AlyClePal (02/10/97)
- Hounds,
Janine H Sutter (02/10/97)
- Materials needed (fwd),
Craig Levin (02/10/97)
macliam (02/10/97)
- March Exchequer Letter,
Hinson, Jerome (02/10/97)
- Animals (horses) at events,
J.M.D'Agostino-Toney (02/10/97)
- Fwd: (Fwd) Pluck Yew (fwd),
Rcardiff (02/10/97)
- Eleanor of Aquitaine-- Short Biblio,
Keith B, Vaughn (02/10/97)
- contact for a gentle....,
Scott Dean (02/11/97)
- Hello from Seareach,
ladypez (02/11/97)
- Locating an acquaintance...,
RowenRhys (02/11/97)
- Viking Shield Work,
Terry L. Neill (02/11/97)
- area contacts?,
Jen (02/11/97)
- Hello anyone out there,
Gene Bonar (02/12/97)
- Ymir weather,
Tom Brady (02/12/97)
- Pennsic & Atl. Univ.,
Michael Matheron (02/12/97)
- No Subject,
ladypez (02/12/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- No Subject,
Tammy (02/17/97)
- Tapestry people,
AlyClePal (02/12/97)
- need to speak to Ursula,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (02/12/97)
- Ymir weather, part ii,
mn13189 (02/12/97)
- Anyone in Ponte Alto (Nova) going to Ymir? I have a bundle for you to take down...,
damian7 (02/13/97)
- Lost at 12th night,
ladypez (02/13/97)
- Re: Fwd: Windmaster's Hill Gathering,
Scott Dean (02/13/97)
- What to do with the card catalog,
Elizabeth Urbanik (02/13/97)
- ISO Master Malcolm Mac Malcolm,
Otelio Randall (02/13/97)
- Windmaster's Hill Gathering,
Leila Mohajerin (02/13/97)
- Report from Frozen Western Atlantia,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (02/13/97)
- Ice Axe A&S,
Terry L. Neill (02/13/97)
- Replies to card catalog post,
Elizabeth Urbanik (02/14/97)
- [fwd] History of Cartography webpage (fwd),
James and/or Nancy Gilly (02/14/97)
- Atlantian Email List - A to G,
Elizabeth Urbanik (02/14/97)
- Atlantian Email List - H to M,
Elizabeth Urbanik (02/14/97)
- RE: musicians wanted,
Griffith Davis (02/14/97)
- RE: Inter-Kingdom Anthropology,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (02/15/97)
- Bryan Gibson,
Janet Toney/Terry Neill (02/16/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Bryan Gibson,
Terry L. Neill (02/26/97)
- Repost of Jongleurie flyer,
Tom Brady (02/16/97)
- The Jongleurie event flyer,
Thomas and Mari Martin (02/16/97)
- Greetings,
F-ROUSE (02/16/97)
- Ymir - Thanks and Concerns,
seareach (02/17/97)
- Exchequer Regnum Update,
Hinson, Jerome (02/17/97)
- Byram here...,
The Davidsons (02/17/97)
- Fwd: Windmaster's Hill down?,
Hinson, Jerome (02/17/97)
- In search of a helm....,
mn13189 (02/17/97)
- A Request of the Populas,
Marion Scholten (02/17/97)
- Ymir - Notes from the Co-Autocrat,
Lordgaelan (02/17/97)
- Chinese artifacts,
Corun MacAnndra (02/18/97)
- Something new to worry about,
Dan Mackison (02/18/97)
- RE: Estrella,
Peters, Rise J. (02/18/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Estrella,
Terry L. Neill (02/18/97)
- weaving/university question,
Becky McEllistrem (02/18/97)
- Ymir- Lost & Found,
Lordgaelan (02/18/97)
- Leaving Atlantia...,
Chuck Graves (02/19/97)
- In the Shadow of the White Tower,
Chuck Graves (02/20/97)
- RE:Upcoming Scriptorum,
Peters, Rise J. (02/20/97)
- just fun,
Luisa O'Reilly (02/20/97)
- Cool Idea Exchange,
Hinson, Jerome (02/20/97)
- Lady Aiellean, I have you Photo,
James Morrow (02/20/97)
- cooking,
- Saturday's T&S,
mn13189 (02/21/97)
- demo 3/1,
Leila Mohajerin (02/21/97)
- Really Cool Idea Exchange II,
Hinson, Jerome (02/21/97)
- Passed on from the Meridies mailing list, known as "The Tavern Yard",
Joy M. Herring (02/23/97)
- Ponte Alto's Baronial Birthday,
Kevin of Thornbury (02/24/97)
- Fwd: Passed on from the Meridies mailing list, known as "The Tav,
Hinson, Jerome (02/24/97)
- further info,
Kate Spears (02/24/97)
- Fwd: Re: Really Cool Idea Exchange II,
- Looking for lyrics,
- Conference-long: Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity, USCC, March 13-16,
Gregory Stapleton (02/24/97)
- [Fwd: I'll see your Six,
Rowanwald South (02/24/97)
- Lyrics found,
Corun MacAnndra (02/24/97)
- Looking for Daniel and James of Rutland,
Harold Feld (02/24/97)
- Talking Email :),
Ash (02/24/97)
- maps,
rave (02/25/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: maps,
Suzanne Metzler (02/25/97)
- Re: maps,
Christoph Hintze (02/26/97)
- Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Scott Dean (02/25/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Scott Dean (02/25/97)
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Tom Brady (02/25/97)
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Thorpe, John (02/25/97)
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Corun MacAnndra (02/25/97)
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (02/25/97)
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Thorpe, John (02/25/97)
- RE: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
E L Wimett (02/25/97)
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Robert J Welenc (02/26/97)
- Re: Canton of the Lost Cavern of the Amber Mount ??,
Thorpe, John (02/26/97)
- Combat Arrows Workshop,
Steafan O'Reilly (02/25/97)
- Windmasters' Hill website,
Tom Brady (02/25/97)
- [Windmasters' Hill] An Invitation to String Things,
Scott Dean (02/25/97)
- Request for info...,
mn13189 (02/25/97)
- Questions,
Megan Brett (02/25/97)
- SWAT and other fiber stuff,
SHANA M HARVEY (02/26/97)
- Re: About Irish Wolf Hounds,
Scott Dean (02/26/97)
- Irish Celtic Visitors/Clothing Info,
nancy lynch (02/26/97)
- Dogs,
Janine H Sutter (02/26/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Dogs,
ACO (02/26/97)
- Kingdom Arts Festival - overview [long],
Charlene Noto (02/26/97)
- Kingdom Arts Festival - Guidelines [long],
Charlene Noto (02/26/97)
- Re: Names and armory of defunct groups,
Stephen R. Gold (02/26/97)
- Johan Blau Visored Barbute -- For Sale!,
Finnean (02/26/97)
- Period dogs,
Corun MacAnndra (02/26/97)
- Re: Kells and Knotwork,
Corun MacAnndra (02/26/97)
- Rocky Mount Fighter Practice 3-2-97,
HerExCeri (02/26/97)
- Dogs - the real poop,
linneah (02/26/97)
- Promissory scroll,
Corun MacAnndra (02/26/97)
- June University,
AtlantiaU (02/26/97)
- mutts & deerhounds,
mn13189 (02/26/97)
- Re: Bobbin lace supplies,
Scott Dean (02/27/97)
- re: Fighter Practice in Rocky Mount,
Christoph Hintze (02/27/97)
- Period Dogs,
Peter H. Clarke (02/27/97)
- Period Rabbits,
AlyClePal (02/27/97)
- Ponte Alto Auction,
Tom Rettie (02/27/97)
- Happy Birthday, Lord Aubrey Gawen, Sacred Stone,
Morgana888 (02/28/97)
- Re: Classes at Jonglurie,
mn13189 (02/28/97)
- In Search of...,
mn13189 (02/28/97)
- Classes at Jongleurie,
Scott Vaughan (02/28/97)
- Cool website,
Corun MacAnndra (02/28/97)
- Cathanar fighters (WAS ftr. practice in Rocky Mount,
Christoph Hintze (02/28/97)
- FWD:, and mailing lists, are toast. . .,
Christoph Hintze (02/28/97)
- Materials needed,
linneah (01/08/00)

The Merry Rose Archive