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Re: Names and armory of defunct groups

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com>

I asked if released names and armory were being kept in the overall
database, as deleting them might make research difficult.

Scripsit Iulstan:
> My predecessor believed in deleting items from the database when they
> were released.  I stopped deleting released items from the database
> several years ago.  Since then I've been re-entering the lost items,
> working backward one letter at a time.  At the present time, all
> released items from July 1985 onward ought to have records in the
> database.  So yes, it's in the process of being implented.

Tres cool! Leave it to a fellow Isenfiri to do it right! (IHMO.)

> Information on released items can also be found via the Web-based
> search forms (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/OandA).

That follows from the first point. I just haven't bumped into an entry yet
that said "released." Thanks!


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