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Arts and Sciences Guild Contacts in An Tir

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

All -

This was posted to the An Tir list by their chronicler.  I thought anyone
interested in contacts for their brand of A&S might be interested.

        - Anarra

>Guild Deputy: Lady Kyndra (Cristin Olafsson), 1842 Feltham Rd, Victoria, BC
>V8N 2A6 (604)477-6961 E-mail: ud903@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
>Arachne's Web (Society-wide Lacemakers' Guild): An Tir Guildmistress
>of Cumbria (Mary Ohling), 32091 Scappoose-Vernonia Hwy, Scappoose, OR 97056
>Armorers' Guild (Kingdom-wide organization of Armorers, Metalsmiths,
>Weaponsmiths and Jewelry Makers): Contact Wilhelm the Far Traveller (Bill
>Gruner), 411 Wickersham Rd, Yakima, WA 98908 (509)965-2100. The An Tirian
>Armorers' Annual is available for $7.50 at Crown Events or $10 mailed 1st
>Black Kettle (Kingdom-wide Culinary Guild): Guildmistress Lady Orfhlaith
>Ingen Bhriain (Peggy Sue O'Brien), 14965 18th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98166
>(206)246-8569 E-mail: pegisue@u.washington.edu  A Watched Pot is available
>quarterly from the Guildmistress or Editor: Honorable Lady Genevive
>de Montange (Stephanie Ray-Solum), 12036
>8th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125 (206)363-9376 E-mail: etienette@aol.com
>Costumers' Guild: Guild Administrator Maryam al'Baghdadi (Marylee Daller),
>14965 18th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98166 (206)246-8569 E-mail:
>The guild offers a buying service, library and information exchange. Guild
>membership is $15/yr and includes a subscription to From The Skin Out. Send
>all new or renewal memberships to the Guild Administrator. 
>Editor of From The Skin Out: Meg of Penrose (Peggy Griffith), 10014 39th
>SW, Seattle, WA 98146 (206)933-1334 E-mail: peggieg@u.washington.edu
>Librarian: Anthea Clarissa Alessandra de Notheton (Andra Norton), #206-8707
>Montcalm Ave, Vancouver, BC V6P 4R1 (604)266-9100
>Contest/Display Deputy: Mistress Isolde de la Vielle-A-Roue (Sandra Davis),
>3624 Serene Wy, Lynnwood, WA 98037 (206)743-3318. Competitions are open to
>Regional and Crown Principality Contacts:
>Avacal, Principality of : Erika Pacchiono (Montengarde)
>Summits, Principality of: Rosemary Craftwise (Myrtleholt)
>Inlands Region: Nikita von Dantzig (Wealdsmere)
>Northern Region: Sine ni Guinne of Kilernan (Ramsgaard)
>Rivers Region: Karena del Falco (Coeur du Val)
>Western Region: Murkami Tsuruko (Dragon's Laire)
>Embellishers' Sub-Guild: Interested people should contact the Guild Deputy,
>Lady Kyndra
>Weavers' Sub-Guild: Colleen Campbell (Samatha Will), 4416 SE Milwaukee #3,
>Portland, OR 97202
>Herbal Guild: (Kingdom-wide guild for all herbal arts) Guildmaster
>Lord Rauthulfr Runameistari (Michael Wolfe), 13625 SE Fairwood Blvd, Renton,
>WA 98058 (206)235-0897 E-mail: mwolfe@nwlink.com.  An Tir's Best Dirt is
>bi-monthly from the guildmaster for $10US.  Make checks to: SCA Inc/Herbal
>Guild of An Tir
>Moneyers' Guild: Guildmaster Ian Cnulle (G.P. Franc-Weiby), 2803 Spring
>St SE, Silverton, OR 97381 (503)873-3129
>Regional Contacts:
>Northern Region: Hallmaster of Guildhall in Madrone: Thomas Nothelm (Tom
>Hayes), 11212-1/2 Greenwood Ave, Seattle, WA 98133 (206)361-0238
>Spiritmakers' Guild: Guildmaster Morgaine McDaniel de la Rose (Jan Lawrence),
>5503 SE 92nd Ave, Portland, OR 97266 (503)777-5612. A clearinghouse for
>brewing, vinting, meadmaking and allied areas. Annual meeting and
>at An Tir Arts and Sciences Championship. Judges training at May Crown.
>Tasting at major events. Workshops by appointment.
>MacFlandry Guard (Royal): Contact Col. Gavin McFlandry (Roger MacDiermey),
>3624 NE 15t, Portland, OR 97217 (503)249-3803
>Queen's Compagnie of Dance (QCOD): Kingdom-wide compagnie of dancers
>dedicated to the furtherance of period forms of dance through teaching,
>performance and research. Admission to the QCOD is by trials held
>periodically where appropriate. The QCOD administers the An Tir Circle of
>Dance (ACOD), which is open to any who express interest.
>Compagnie Administrator: Lady Kathryne Gordon (Tonya Trusty), PO Box 2762,
>Spokane, WA 99220 (208)664-4530

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