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Windmasters' Hill website

Poster: Tom Brady <tabrady@mindspring.com>

Greetings to the good gentles of Atlantia from Duncan MacKinnon!
It has been brought to my attention that the following missive which was
sent to the Merry Rose last week was never distributed, which is odd since
both Francesco and I sent it to the list (atlantia@atlantia.sca.org).
Anyway, here it is:

--- begin (re)forwarded message ---

From: "Napier, Robert" <NapierR@mps.bellhowell.com>
To: "'atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu'" <atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu>
Cc: "'Tom Brady'" <tabrady@mindspring.com>
Subject: RE: Fwd: Windmaster's Hill down?
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 97 09:31:00 PST

Greetings all from the long lost Francesco della Rosa.

Much as happened since last my beloved Elvegast has seen me last. New   
employment (for we cannot leave on mead alone), new home (in my slow   
march to the Debatable Lands, I have moved less than a mile down the road   
from my old home), and a new wife (not that she replaces an old wife, but   
new nonetheless).

As more demands for time came into my life, I visited the Dream less and   
less. If you did not see me at University, the last chance you would have   
had was Pennsic. Along the way, my subscription to the Windlore (the   
Baronial newsletter) either lapsed or was lost, and so my knowledge of   
the current officials dwindled. Since that was the primary information on   
the page, updates were rare. I am ashamed to say, that I did not even   
notice when PLE (the home of the baronial web page) went away.

While the idea of the Baronial web page fits into my love of order (i.e.   
the kingdom should have links to the baronies, the baronies should link   
to the cantons, etc.), I found that the Baronial web page was of very   
little use. I originally created it in hopes of putting Master Robyyan's   
excellent phone list on the web. I started by placing the officials of   
our Barony on the page, with their addresses and phone numbers so that   
their subjects might reach them. After Her Excellency Baroness Ceridwen   
reminded me that it is proper to ask permission of a gentle before   
publishing their information thus (the web being a much more public place   
than the Windlore), I realized that there was little hope of receiving   
permission from every person listed in Master Robyan's list, and I would   
not do other than the wishes of the Baroness.

In a poor attempt for forgiveness, I have created a new Baronial web   
page. It is almost empty right now, I need to go home and look everything   
up. The new address is http://www.serve.com/napier/sca. serve.com is   
often slow and goes down occasionally, but it is where I keep my personal   
web pages (unlike party.com, which I never had a personal account on).   
When there is something meaningful on the page (by the end of the   
weekend), I will crawl the web and send notes to everyone who had the old   
address. Comments on useful information or format are more than welcome.

My dear Lady is anxious for us to rejoin the Dream, so it is like that   
you will see more of me.

BTW, where did the Elvegast page go?
ABTW, who is managing the Windlore now?

Francesco della Rosa
Tom Brady    tabrady@mindspring.com   SCA: Duncan MacKinnon of Tobermory
 See my web pages for links to the Society for Creative Anachronism and 
      gay and lesbian info: http://www.technomancer.com/~duncan/

List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://sca.wayfarer.org/merryrose/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org