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A loss in Trimaris - from the Rialto

Poster: many waters cannot quench love <lisa@technomancer.com>

good gentles, all - 

this crossed the rialto last week, and i don't remember seeing it posted
to the merry rose, but i know that many atlantians have ties to trimaris
and might know the gentle who passed away.  my sorrow to be the bearer of
such sad tidings...

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
To:            srankin@op.net
Subject:       A Loss in the Kingdom of Trimaris (fwd)
From:          srankin@Op.Net (Susan Rankin)
Date:          Tue, 28 Jan 1997 15:44:03 -0500

Gentles all -

As the seneschal of the Shire of Southkeep, it is my grevious duty to 
report some devastating news.

At the Children's Olympiad and Southern Tourney, a social hosted by our 
dear neighbors the Shire of Sangre del Sol, there was a terrible 

The fighters were storming the castle here, a favorite occupation when 
we hold events at nearby Greynold's Park. After the last melee, our 
Shire Marshal, Lord Ioseph of Ithil, Esq, mundanely known as Robert 
Cohen, took ill and passed away. 

Lord Ioseph was a Squire of Count Wulfhere Trollhammer, who personally 
attempted life saving actions in his behalf. Lord Ioseph had a known 
asthmatic condition, and as such, our marshals always watched him 
carefully, and made sure he has his medication available. So it was this 
day - there were three medically trained personnel attending him, the 
Metro Dade County Rescue squad responded in under 5 minutes, the 
hospital, Aventura Medical Center was less than 10 minutes away. 

It was all to no avail. Lord Ioseph's beleagured lungs filled with 
fluid, and despite heroic effors from Count Wulfhere, from Clan 
Windrider, and Burt DeWitt, an off duty firefighter who was also the 
event autocrat, they could not save him. The paramedics also did 
everything possible - but one half mile from the hospital, barely 
minutes from the site itself, he passed from this world unto the next. 

The Shire of Southkeep feels this loss greatly, and extends hands in 
sorrow to our brother shire of Sangre del Sol, whose event it was, and 
to Clan Windrider, who lost a friend, and to Chris Sanderson, Count 
Wulfhere Trollhammer, who lost a dedicated squire. 

Lord Ioseph wasn't feeling well the evening before, and again that 
morning, but his spirit drove him to push on, and he died in the 
presence of his greatest friends, his loving Eliane, and doing what he 
loved more than anything else. 

He was a good man. The Shire will miss him, South Florida will miss him, 
and Trimaris will miss him. A piece of us is gone forever. 

Rest in peace, Robert - I know you are where your bodily limits no 
longer keep you from your hearts desire. Keep your sword up, and watch 
for us until we meet again. 

Melissa Good
Seneshcal, Shire of Southkeep. Trimaris. 
Branwen ferch Madoc                             merwolf@worldnet.att.net
Seneschal, Shire of Southkeep                   75406.253@compuserve.com
Kingdom of Trimaris                             MSUSMSC1.MGOOD01@EDS.COM

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