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Re: maps

Poster: Christoph Hintze <chhintze@bmd.clis.com>

Greetings to all those present here in the Merry Rose.  Of lats, I have
heard many requests for a map of the groups in Atlantia.  I moved here in
1992, and still have to ask my lord occasionally, "Is this near enough for
us to get to?"

Gracious Lady Tehair has referred to the map in the Atlantian Newcomers'
Guide; however, I do not find it very helpful.  It is an excellent guide to
the BARONIES in Atlantia, but does not list Cantons or Shires.  (In fact, to
go by that map, one would assume that there are no costal NC groups -
instead of THREE very active, thriving groups:  the Shire of Cathanar, the
Stronghold of Raven's Cove, and the Shire of Seareach.)  

Perhaps the map could be updated in future editions of the Newcomer's Guide
to state that it is a map of Baronies, and not all groups in the Kingdom.
As it is, I feel the costal region is exiled to obscurity.  (I suspect only
Baronies were shown in an effort to avoid cluttering the regrettably small
space which could be allocated to the map, not because ya'll don't love us.)

The existing map is indeed a wonderful starting point, but there is
certainly room for another artesan or cartographer to fill in the gaps. . .
.I'd like a copy.  (Perhaps there is room here for a budding merchant.  Hmmm.)

I hope that I am not out of line here - I certainly have no intent to put
down the map or the Guide.  It is just that it is all too easy to feel
isolated and left out here on the coast with little funds for travel, and
feeling ignored by the rest of the Kingdom has become one of my hot buttons.

Anyone want to stand an impoverished Italian former merchant a drink. . . ?

In service,
Lady Katriona of NorthWoods
Seneschal for the Shire of Cathanar

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