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Re: Really Cool Idea Exchange II

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

At the Tavern I happened to overhear:

> i have two Really Cool Kids Ideas picked up from a recent sojourn in
> calontir (at the gathering of the chieftains in three rivers):
> little kids' activity:
> take several gallon milk jugs.  cut off about the top third.  turn them
> over (open side down) and cut two partial ovals out of them.
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> the bad ascii art is supposed to look like a helm with a nasal.
> spray-paint them black / silver / grey, and make little beanbags out of
> scrap fabric stuffed with newspaper.  kids can then either try to knock
> the helms off a table, or if they get tired of that you can upend the
> helms and they can try to throw the beanbags in.

What would happen if you did this with little beanbags stuffed
with beans, and an actual metal helm?  I think it'd look a little
more like something children would have done in the Period, but
maybe there's some other reason (such as safety) that made the
Calontiri opt for plastic.

BTW, I just got a CD called "The Chieftans: An Irish Evening"
which ends with a tune called "Rachamid a Bhean Bheag".  Could
this be referring to this very pastime, or to some other beanbag
game from the Period?

-- Alfredo el Bufon
And so it was that latere,
As the Millere toold his tale,
That hire face, at first Iuste gostely,
Toornd a whytere shade of pale.

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