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North and South: The Statistical Truth

Poster: David KUIJT <kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu>

Dafydd greets everyone!

I am in an interesting position, for I have as my Lady Wife the person who
has more access to data than perhaps anyone in the kingdom, and who keeps
lists so complex that Henry Best used to use them to frighten his friends.

Anyway, Elizabeth has kept data on Kingdom events since 1984.  Be not
surprised!  She has stranger lists than that.  For example, I can tell you
every single event, in every Kingdom, that I have attended since 1984.
All I have to do is to ask her, and she will run off the data.

With no more ado, here is the data.

It isn't clear when the concepts of regions and rotation were implemented,
but it was before 1984. 

MAR 1984 Laws
	Northern Region: MD, DC, VA
	Central Region : NC
	Southern Region: SC
	Crown Tourney rotated S -> C -> N -> repeat
	Twelfth Night: had to be in the Central Region
	Coronation: anywhere (Monarch's choice)
DEC 1986 Laws
	Northern Region: MD, DC, Northern VA
	Central Region : NC, Caer Mear, Black Diamond, Tidewater.
	Southern Region: SC
	As 1984
FEB 1988 Laws
	As 1986
	Crown Tourney: as before (rotate S -> C -> N -> repeat)
	Twelfth Night: rotates C -> S -> C -> N -> repeat
	Coronation: still anywhere (Monarch's choice)
JUL 1990 Laws
	As before (except Isenfir is now in Central, and Border Vale Keep
		added to Southern)
	As before

OCT 1991 Laws
	As before
	As before

JAN 1992 Laws
	Regions and Rotations are abandoned; all Kingdom events go
wherever the Monarchs and Seneschal choose.


NOW, the statistics.  Using the 1990 Definition of regions, the following
data is accumulated from Jan 86 to last December 96 (11 years).  Note that
Unevent was not held in 1990, so there are only 10 Unevents rather than

Kingdom Events		North	Centr	South		Total
Twelfth Night		 2	 8	 1		11
Crown Tourney		 4	12	 6		22
Unevent			 1	 9	 0		10
Coronation		 6	13	 3		22
 Total Kingdom Events	13	42	10		65

Note that if you remove the Coronation numbers (Coronation traditionally
being held in the home group of the Monarchs, or nearby), the numbers are
even more clear:

Non-Coronation Kingdom Events	7 North, 29 Central, and 7 South.

Conclusions?  It is clearly impossible to support the premise that the
South does not get its fair share of Kingdom events.

It is possible to assert that the Central region gets a lot.  Which is a
mixed blessing -- as Anarra mentioned recently, it is a lot of work for
the Central region people.  But if more Kingdom events were on the ends
(N/S), it would be harder for the other end than if it was at a Central
site.  It is a rough call.

If anyone is interested, University of Atlantia has been held 10 times in
the Northern region (1990 terms), 25 times in the Central, and 6 times in
the Southern region in the period from March 1980 until Feb 1997 (17
years)..  If anyone REALLY cares, Elizabeth can probably tell you the
percentage of attendees and teachers from each state, also :^)

Dafydd ap Gwystl

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