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Re: Grimmer Chalking

Poster: nancy lynch <lughbec@erols.com>

mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU wrote:
> Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
> I have only used a Grammar checker once.  It was in High School, and was
> required in my English class that we run our paper through it.  Every time
> I mentioned the word "god" the grammar checker would advise me to choose a
> different word, because a lot of readers find religious matters offensive.
> I was doing a research paper on Greek Mythology.  Sheesh.  Needless to
> say, I don't put much stock in those things.
> Aye,
> Eogan

Oh! MY! Greek mythological deity!  How annoying. I can empathize,
having ceased using the deligent device when doing research on 
ancient Irish customs and costuming.  It kept saying, "I do not 
think that word means what you think it does..."  I suppose if we 
were *average* (of which I believe there actually is no one that 
exists in that category), then we would be happily using those 
wondrous inventions constantly. As it is, I try to write the
way that I talk, with the added advantage of being able to go
back and delete some of the dumber bits.  I probably spell things 
wrong and obviously make run on sentences in my mind too.  I just 
try to spare others misinterpreting my intent.  That is really what 
all this comes down to, isn't it?
And, no. I am not working much today.
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