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Re: Grammar chaecker was Re: vocabulary nitpicking

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swannh@psi.com>

>  Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU 
> I have only used a Grammar checker once.  It was in High School, and 
> was required in my English class that we run our paper through it.  
> Every time I mentioned the word "god" the grammar checker would advise 
> me to choose a different word, because a lot of readers find 
> religious matters offensive. 
> I was doing a research paper on Greek Mythology.  Sheesh.  Needless to 
> say, I don't put much stock in those things. 
> Aye, 
> Eogan 
You had computer access in High School?  They allowed you to use a spell and 
grammar checker?


We had one computer that had punch cards, and only the advanced math students 
could try playing with it.

We wrote all our papers by hand and spelling, grammar, and good handwriting 


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