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Re: Grammar chaecker was Re: vocabulary nitpicking

Poster: Alys of Foxdale <foxdale@wolfstar.com>

> Poster: "Heather Swann" <swannh@psi.com>

> You had computer access in High School?  They allowed you to use a spell and 
> grammar checker?
> Wow.
> We had one computer that had punch cards, and only the advanced math students 
> could try playing with it.
> We wrote all our papers by hand and spelling, grammar, and good handwriting 
> counted!
> Miri

Careful, Miri, or folks will think you're older than you are!  Either
that, or from a dirt-poor school district.  I don't know which is
worse!  ;)

   Alys of Foxdale        | Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@wolfstar.com      |     argent, a fox passant gules.
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