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Re: North Vs. South

Poster: Wynn Klosky <klosky@meeker.UCAR.EDU>

On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, David H Ritterskamp wrote:

>      Has anybody tried to figure out what would be ideal travel time to an 
>      event, and then thought about making all the kingdoms that size??
>      That might make for smaller, but more personalized kingdoms.  
>      Personally, I know very few northerners, and I'm sure they're just as 
>      aware of me.  Mightn't each side be happier with its own thing?  

That's an interesting method, as my physics prof was wont to say, but
you are forgetting that different people have different ideas of "ideal"
travel time. Myself, I think nothing of the 8-hour jaunt to Albuquerque
from where I live, down to El Paso is a REALLY long trip. Some folks
in the same town think that Colorado Springs is their outer limit (2
hours if you are stuck behind the anti-destination league).

Also, I would be greatly saddened if my kingdom were to suddenly shrink
to even 6 or 7 hours across -- we would lose the diversity in people and
talents that makes the Outlands the jewel that it is.

>      Just as the mistake was made with whichever kingdom was out west and 
>      split lengthwise, instead of across the middle (thus having two TALL 
>      kingdoms with 14 hours travel time end to end instead of cutting them 
>      in half horizontally, thus cutting travel time in half) it would be 

Well, *YOU* may think it's a mistake (incidentally, if you are thinking
Atenveldt, it was actually split into more than two: Atenveldt, Ansteorra,
Outlands), but those of us who don't have to cross the Rocky Mountains
to get to an event sure don't -- don't forget that geography sometimes
includes PHYSICAL barriers. It's a heck of a lot easier to hump over
Raton Pass going south/north than it is to skirt the Continental Divide 
each time, thanks...

>      possible to separate Atlantia (or any other kingdom, for that matter) 
>      in such a way as to minimize the geographical problems.  I would guess 
>      that the split would be between Richmond and Raleigh, and between 
>      Black Diamond and points north.  Geographically speaking, that 
>      probably works best.  

Gosh, all my Black Diamond blood boils at that one. I think you can't
*just* look at travel time when you talk about splitting kingdoms: you must
also match cultural differences. Back when I was there (I think technically
after rocks were soft, but before stew?), Black Diamond was much more
a cultural match for points north than points south; sure, times change,
but I think groups on the border need to be allowed to make their own

>      Of course, why use geographical breakdowns when we can squabble over 
>      it forever?
Hmmmm...you seem to be trying to bully your point through here -- I would 
submit that geographical breakdowns may be a good starting point, but 
that further discussion will not lead to endless squabbling, unless 
involved parties are only so inclined. Obviously, such was not the case 
in Ealdormere or Artemesia...

>      Personally, if I had realized that Pointless War was going to be held 
>      at a site that was 10+ hours away, I doubt I'd have gone.
And perhaps you'd have attended an event closer to home and brought them
joy and good company instead. We must all make these choices in the
SCA, and in Real Life. Learning not to bitch and moan about them is
when we pass from adolescence into adulthood.

branwynn ottersby
Furriner from One of Them Thar Long Skinny Kingdoms
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