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Speaking of that.....

Poster: "ladypez" <ladypez@weblnk.net>

>  <snip> 
> Talk about travel- King Olaf drove all the way up to one, got there
before me 
> (the autocrat-and I was early!), insisted on helping in the kitchen, and 
> insisted on feeding the shrimp we bought for him for High Table to the
> crew.  His words at the time were, I believe, " But I AM enjoying the

Has anyone seen Duke Sir Olaf around lately?  I've haven't seen him in
ages!!  When I first joined the SCA about 11years ago, Olaf was the cat's
pajamas!  Closest thing to a celebrity we had down here.  I remember Ollie
dolls, Ollie coloring books, even an Ollie book of children's stories!  And
an event always became an EVENT when he showed up.  (Sigh.... the old
days.....)  Boy!  Do I feel old.  Any of you old fogies remember "squire
juggling"?  One of the Funniest things I ever saw!!

Trying to Change the Subject,
Lady Pez

When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults.						
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