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FW: Pennsic XXVI Land Grab

Poster: "Brady, Thomas" <thomas.brady@reichhold.com>

Hi all,
I just saw this on The Rialto, and thought it should be repeated here.
-Duncan MacKinnon/Tom Brady

---begin forwarded text---


Greetings unto the populace of our upcoming Pennsic War 26 from Finn,

Good Nobles and gentle people, this year we will be following a land
distribution system very similar to the systems of His Excellency
Sir Edward.  The Autocrat staff and the Coopers have decided on a few
important changes to land use that we wil l be putting into place this
year.  Details of these changes are listed in the following documents. 
Please take a moment to read these over if you are attending our fine
as you will be expected to live by or with them, as you choose.  If you
are a land agent for your group PLEASE read them in detail.  It will
our working together much simpler if we are all on the same page. 

As the noble responsible for land distribution I swear, as a Knight of
society, to be impartial in my distribution, courteous in my dealing
you, and fair in the administration of the guidelines given to me.  I
expect courtesy to my lady, my staff and myself in return.  Some of my
staff will be using 3 weeks of vacation working instead of playing.  I
will not easily forgive or forget discourteous behavior toward them. 

A last brief note, if you have any suggestions for how we can improve
process of land distribution please feel free to contact me via the
listed.  I will try to pass your ideas on.  There has been some
of making this office independen t of the East and Middle Kingdoms, if
have input on this please contact the seneschals of the East and Middle

Working to keep 9,800 people happy I remain,

Finn Jarl Herjolfsson, Duke, KSCA, OL, stuff

General Land Information for Pennsic War 26

            Highlights of Changes

If you want to camp as a group, make sure your people PRE-REGISTER!!! 

This year the amount of area allocated, for each group, will be based on
two things.  First, the number of people, pre-registered as of June 27,
1997 and second where you decide to camp.  Please see the announcement
about how to pre-register on the Intern et, in newsletters and wherever
else you can find it. I will receive, from the pre-registration agent,
or about July 1, 1996, a list of groups and the official number of
who have pre-registered for that group.  If you are the land agent for
your group get a new map from me and read it!!!!  This year we are
new campable land, changing the numbers on the map, and zoning land.
more we want you to camp in an area the more square feet you will get
person.  Core areas of Cooper's lake will be allocated at 200 square
per person.  Areas that are farther away will be allocated at 275 square
feet per person and finally areas on the fringes will be allocated at
square feet per person. 

Family camping areas will be expanded this year.  These areas will be
designed to coexist with the community around Cooper's Lake and actually
be quiet after dark.  Special quiet hours will be strictly enforced in
these areas.  Check with your land agent or the web page to see the
locations available to you. 

Single tent camping groups will be put into the land lottery this year. 
This will allow single tent campers to meet people easily, be easier to
find, get nicer camping spots and set up on August 2nd 1997 after the
grab is complete.  Single tent camp ers will be allocated 150 square
within their areas.  See Finn on August 2nd 1997 after noon or ask at
troll any time following August 3rd 1997. 

Group names are still very important. People are highly encouraged to
together and decide on one(1) name. Brotherhood of the Big Swords will
treated as a separate group from Big Swords Brotherhood.

People may receive the forms and information via electronic access this
year.  These documents may not be altered in any way.  The addresses to
see is: http://www.midrealm.org to receive information and forms to
download and fill out.

                        General Rules

1) An onsite representative is required of each group from Aug.2nd 1997

2) All final requests must be typewritten.  Handwritten will be not be
accepted and will be returned. 

3) Canadian members do not have to include postage on their final land
requests.  Ealdormere, check your tidings for chances to drop things off
to me at events in the principality. 

4) Do not call me at work or on my normal home phone number if you have
it, unless I call you first and ask you to call. 

5) Be patient and courteous. Trying to arrange space for 9800 people can
be tedious and mistakes do happen. 

6) Handicapped camping, this will include only those with physical
handicaps, as defined by the Penn. State human resources dept., and
immediate family.

7) If you do not request a space or fail to meet deadlines, do not show
at the war until Sunday August 3rd,1997. We will not be dealing with
Non-registered groups until then.

8) Single campers wishing to be able to set up on August 3rd,1997, must
comply with the above procedures to be included in the distribution.
Special areas will be set aside for this purpose otherwise, wait until
Sunday to show up.

9) No electronic reservation is possible this year. 

10) Please do not write to me asking about classes, merchanting, battle
plans, fee structures, airport taxi's or anything else that does not
pertain specifically to camping.  I think, maybe I have my hands full
just trying to do the land allocation .

Land Office Address for Pennsic War 26

Kevin Griggs
Pennsic Land Office
P. O. Box 421
Worthington, OH 43085-0421

1-888-PEN-NSIC (Yes, that really is the number)
kgriggs@ix.netcom.com( No packet requests, I want your stamps)

                Time Schedule

January 15th, 1997 - Finn begins to send out information, maps, response
to inquiries, etc....

February 30th, 1997 -  Finn will start accepting final requests for

May 30th, 1997 -  Last chance to get maps and information

June 20th,  1997 -  Final postmark date to request land (see

July 5th, 1997 - Finn completes land allocation, mails land packets and
posts to web page

July 27th,  1997 -  Finn leaves for the war and setting up the

August 1st, 1997 - 12 noon, troll opens. Temporary camping area for
arriving early.

August 2nd, 1997 - 9am - land office opens for registration,
and assignments. 

August 3rd, 1997 -  10am - non-registered groups assignments

August 17th,1997 - Sundown - Everyone has gone home, Finn drinks a beer
and hopes Eddy gets stuck with this job next time!  

How to Get Land for Your Group at Pennsic War 26

Step 1: Get a new land packet, the Maps have changed!!
Before May 30th 1997 send a request to Finn for a land packet containing
include a self-addressed stamped envelope with $0.32 stamp. If you wish
you may include a self-addressed stamped postcard for verification. 

Kevin Griggs
Pennsic Land Office
P. O. Box 421
Worthington, OH 43085-0421

Step 2: Send in the paperwork
Between February 30th 1997 and June 20th 1997 send the following
to Finn at the same address. 

1).- On a plain, white, 8.5" x 11" piece of paper (please, no
personal notes or explanations on this request), the following,
typewritten information, in this order: 

A) Group name:
B) Group representative 20th century name.
C) Group representative SCA name.
D) Group representative mailing address.  
E) Telephone number.
F) Email address (if you have one)
G) Estimated number of people(final assignment will be based on
    pre-registered people) 
H) Area first choice
I) Did you camp here last year? - y/n
J) If yes to "I", did you like camping there? - y/n or not
K) Second choice
L) Third choice
M) Fourth choice
N) Will you be renting a Grimm's tent(s)? - y/n
O) Last name(s) of people renting Grimm's tents.
P) Will more than 50% of your camp be in period tents, if so what
Q) Are trees important in your camping area? - y/n

2).- Include two(2) self-addressed-stamped postcards. These will be used
to verify that I have received your final request and that I have sent
your final packet and instructions to you.

3).- Include one(1) self-addressed-stamped, business size envelope with
$0.32 cent stamp. This will be used to mail to you your final packet and

4).- If you wish to write a note or other information, please include
on a separate piece of paper. If you put it on the above request, I will
send it back to you as being not in the proper format and this could
you a space. 

Step 3: Optional.  Contact your neighbors.
On or about July 5th 1997 your land packets will be mailed to you and
land information will be posted on the web page.  I encourage you to
contact your neighbors before arriving at the site.  If you are ready to
go first thing in the morning I will be, too. 

Step 4: Land Grab On August 1st 1997 at noon, troll will open and the
temporary camping area will be set up for early arrivals.  The land
will open promptly at 9am on August 2nd 1997 to allocate land to
who has followed directions, met the posted deadlines, and played nice.
you have a problem at any time during land grab please get in the line
Finn's desk. Work and play well with others during land grab, I will
penalize discourteous behavior!  

To get your land you must do the following: 

A) Come to the Barn at Cooper's Lake Campground by 9am August 2nd 1997
B) Bring your land packet, no excuses.  If you don't have it by July
     1997 you had better call!
C) Go through the land office check in line.  The check in line will
     at noon.  If you haven't been through the line by noon you have
     your land, get in the line to see Finn.
D) Find the people representing the other groups in your block.
E) Negotiate with the other groups in your block for space.
F) Go visit your block as a group.  I suggest a large measuring tape
     or measuring wheel for this activity.
G) Complete 1 block map for each group in your block and one for the
     office.  Have them all signed by all of the groups in your block.
     Two blank maps will be in your packet.
H) Get in the line to Finn's desk with the representatives of groups in
     your block.
I) Get final approval from Finn.
J) Stake out the land as approved by Finn
K) Set up your camp.

Step 5: Setting up your camp
A few things you must know about your camp at Pennsic War 26.

There must be an on site representative of your group from August 2nd
until the end of Pennsic.  No Ghost Camps! 

Your land allocation card and map copy must be posted at the entrance of
your camp at all times. Have a great Pennsic!!!!! 

Tom Brady              Process Engineer              Reichhold Chemicals
(800) 448-3482 x7811                           Research Triangle Park,
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