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Re: Books?

Poster: NomiSunrid@aol.com

I was going through my e-mail when I came across this message about donating
books to a local library.  I am in grad school studying Library Science.
 Based on what I've learned in some of my classes, If you are truely
considering donating them to the library, you had better ask the librarian
what the libraries policy is concerning donations of books.  Each library has
different rules concerning this.  The books you donate could end up in the
library's collection, but they could just as easily end up on the "for sale"
rack at the library's next book sale, or, even worse, they could end up in
the trash, simply because the rules covering donations say so.  So, like I
said, ask about the library's policy about donated books before you donate

Kaellyn O'Riordan
Gilbert, SC
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