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Jongleurie (again...)

Poster: " Efenwealt  Wystle" <efen@hotmail.com>

Following is a tentative schedule for the upcoming Jongleurie. I've pretty much
confirmed all but one instructor. If you're teaching, please make sure that
I've given your class a proper name. Remember, it's never too late to add a
class. There is no registration for any of these, just show up and learn
something. Please share this with the net impaired who may be interested. 

10:00  Jews Harp Music for the Masses- Rabah az-Zafar; Songs for Jocks-
Bryce de Byrum and Niall Dolfin; Beginning Bellydance 
Arawynn of Ravenhall; Archery / Beginning Rapier

11:00  Dancing-Gregory Blount of Isenfir; Beginning Doumbek-Arawynn of
Ravenhall; Lap Dulcimer & its Period Equivalents- Eogan Og MacLaren; Bardic
Arts 101- Anna MacKenzie; Archery / Beginning Rapier

12:00  Dancing- Tangwystl ferch Morgana; Bagpipe History -Niall Dolfin;
Broadside Ballads- Gregory Blount of Isenfir; Al-Falhia (Zodiac Game)- Rabah
az-Zafar; Kids(<12)  Castle Seige-Nadia Stopka

1:00 Militant Society of Bards gathering; Kids(<12)Castle Seige- Nadia Stopka

2:00 CAMBOK-See Brianna

3:00 Performing Tips for Singers-Anna MacKenzie; Some Scottish Ballads- Eogan
Og MacLaren; Intro to Middle Eastern Music- Chriemhilt von Regensburg; more

4:00  Storytelling- Taliesin the Not Quite Dead (visiting from the East
Kingdom); Middle Enlish Lyrics- Eogan Og MacLaren & Alfredo el Bufon; Some Card
Games-Kara in Danska; are you guys still playing cambok?

5:00  Tavern Opens for Business;  Sumer is Icumen in a Middle English Song-
Alfredo el Bufon & Eogan Og MacLaren: Troubadors, Trouveres & Jongleurs
-Efenwealt Wystle

6ish  Rabahs Karavan Opens for Business- Rabah az-Zafar & Kara in Danska
7ish  More Gambling, Dancing, Eating, Drinking, etc.

8:17  Fools Court- His Imperial Majesty, Big Bard Booger-Picker (if you don't
know, don't ask)

Lord Efenwealt Wystle
Militant Society of Bards
(a minstrel by trade and a fool in my spare time, funny,
I seem to have an awful lot of spare time...)


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