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A looming problem...

Poster: PETERSR@spiegel.becltd.com (Peters, Rise J.)

Sitting in my basement in a state of disuse and possibly disrepair is a 
four-harness tabletop loom that I rescued from a junk shop a few years ago. 
 My initial glance at it indicated that maybe it was meant to be collapsible 
and had partially come apart on its own say-so... Still, it's partially 
warped and even has a part-completed width of fabric on it, so it was 
clearly useable at some point.

In any event, I am no weaver, at least not yet, and don't know enough about 
looms to know if this one is salvageable.  On the other hand, the price of 
new looms of this size indicates that it's certainly worth trying to find 
out the answer.  And if it could be put back into shape, I'd love to try to 
learn how to use it.

So, I'm looking for someone who could eyeball this loom and give me an 
opinion on what it would take to make it work and whether it's worth the 
trouble.   Anyone knowledgeable feeling particularly helpful?


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