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Re: native american persona (long)

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.math.harvard.edu>

  As to the SCA being "about" Western Europe, according to the Organizational
  Handbook, section titled "Scope of the Society:  Period and Culture":

Minor but important point.

That essay is not part of the "rules" for the Society.  It was written by a
very important and informed person (and the person who, at that time, would
have been required to rule on the appropriateness of such persona).  But
this was a decade ago, and perhaps thinking has changed.

In any event, it is NOT part of the formal rules of the Society... check the
handbook carefully.  See http://www.sca.org/laws/preface.hbk.html, second

	Tibor (Rules monger to the stars!)
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