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RE: info request - Limning

Poster: Charlene Noto <charlenn@MICROSOFT.com>

Greetings Vyvyan,
>From your earlier message to me, I think you might be thinking of this:

"Limner, the Medieval name for a manuscript illuminator, and archaic
term for a painter. It was later used to describe English portrait
miniaturists such as Nicholas Hilliard, who wrote a treatise entitled
The Arte of Limning. In colonial North America limner refers to
self-trained, often unknown, portrait painters."

Also see: http://www.yawp.com/wm/paint/auth/hilliard/

There's quite a few links if you search on limning.
Hope this helps,

> ----------
> From: 	brousard@juno.com[SMTP:brousard@juno.com]
> Sent: 	Monday, March 24, 1997 7:41 PM
> To: 	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Subject: 	info request
> Poster: brousard@juno.com (Sean Robinson)
> hi. vyvyan broussard here. im not yet on this mailing list but i was
> hoping someone could supply me with information on an artform called
> limning. any info is helpful. 
> sean robinson 1656 broadway ave., apt 5, pittsburgh pa., 15216 thanks
> 				yours etc
> 				sean
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