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RE: [EK] Re:native american persona? (fwd)

Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU

On Wed, 26 Mar 1997, Charlene Noto wrote:

> Mistress Juelda said that Corpora does not state 600 as being our
> beginning date. It just says Pre 17th century. The rumor of 600-1600 is
> all over the SCA and she has tried very hard to verify it. Mistress
> Juelda told me that it is only rumor. There is no starting date - only
> the ending date of 17th century. Unfortunately, I have been guilty of
> spreading that rumor myself.
> -Deirdre

Interesting...  I have always heard that the SCA re-creates the Middle
Ages, as defined as being the time span between the fall of the Roman
Empire and the Reformation (or roughtly 600-1600).  I never questioned
this because I always thought that the 1000 year time span was more than
enough.  This does raise an interesting point, however:  We try to
re-create the Middle Ages (with varying degrees of success), right?  I do
not believe I would recieve many arguements on this one (just to clarify,
I AM including the Renasaince in this statement).  But the Middle Ages
does not extend back in history infinitely.  It had a start. The fall of
the Roman Empire seems to be the most acceptable start for the medieval
	But, since there are no rules about it....  I feel an alternate
persona coming on.  One who lived thousands of years ago..  sloping
forehead...  large nasal cavaty..  increased brain mass...  long arms,
short stature...  able to run down wild game and make kills with his bare
hands...  I've always wanted to be a Neaderthal!  Just think of it.  I'd
be a terror on the heavey weapons feild!  A Cro-Magnon Yankee in King
Author's Court!  The possibilities are endless.
	Of course, I'm just being silly.  But I do think it is very
interesting that there is no beginning date.  If one wanted to try and
define where the Middle Ages began, I would look at the time period that
Boethius wrote _The Consolation of Philosophy_.  This is seen by many as
one of the first "medieval" texts.  It is written that it "was one of the
most popular and influental books in Western Europe from the time it was
written, in 524, until the end of the Renaissance."  A book for all
periods, eh?

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