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Poster: AlexTCelt@aol.com

In a message dated 97-03-26 23:30:47 EST, bearslayer@juno.com (Christopher M
Dawson) writes:

<< To Whom It May Concern,
 	I had a chance this past weekend to face the new siloflex swords.
  Being the Knight Marshal of the Shire of Seareach, I  would have to
 express interest.  But in this case my interest is genuine.  I didn't get
 to use it, but I was Hit by it.  I like it, liked it so much I went to
 Lowe's looking for it.  By Odin's Eye, if I didn't embarrass myself!!
 	What in the world is this stuff used for Mundanely?  I checked
 with the indoor and outdoor plumbing departments they sent me to the
 indoor and outdoor electrical departments, hoping for a streak of good
 luck I asked the construction department for help,  guess where they sent
 	I just got on-line a week or so ago, I missed the initial
 low-down on this siloflex.  I have seen the letters on who should test it
 and about the flex it has against a shield.  I have heard of two ways to
 construct one (via His Highness Cuan and Lord Alric) and approx. price
 and length.  Mainly I'd like to make my own even if I'll only be allowed
 to use it against my pell. 
 	 I do think think as Knight Marshal of Seareach I have an
 obligation to my people to let them know about this siloflex, but my info
 is scarce.  If any one could send me the relevant info on this subject it
 would be appreciated.
 In Service to the Dream,
 Nikolai Bearslayer >>

I also embarrassed myself yesterday asking for "siloflex". Here
in upstate NY (Albany) we have store's called Home Depot, which
are hugh stores that carry home improvement materials.  The Salesperson
had no idea what I was looking for and kept asking if it was used
for plumbing, or electric, or etc.  So I had a really dumb look on my face,
and had to kind of explain to him what I wanted to use it for.  He walked
away from me very quickly :)

Lord AlexT'Celt
Barony Concordia of the Snows
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