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re: Scottish Exploration of New World

Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

At 16:42 26-3-97 +0000, Christoph wrote:
>If any one is interested here is a list of resourses that should be useful
>in researching 14th century Scottish exploration of the New World:
>There is a web page is at the following address:
>And here is a bibliography glened from a short period of time spent
>exploring the above page and some others linked to it:


Christoph -

Thanks!  The only source I knew for Sir Henry Sinclair was Boland's *They
All Discovered America* (which includes a whole bunch of possible
pre-Columbian explorations, several of which are *mighty* shaky), and I'd
been meaning to ask if you knew of any others. 8)

Slainte -

Alasdair mac iain of Elderslie          Argent, a chevron cotised azure
Dun na leomhainn Bhig                   surmounted by a sword and in chief
Barony of Marinus                       two mullets sable

James and/or Nancy Gilly


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