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Re: native american persona?

Poster: MC Abrams <l_fable@ix.netcom.com>

David W. Weidner wrote:
> >Can any worthy member of the society furnish me any information they
> know about native americans and participatation in such persona as a
> member of the society. In the 5 years I have participated I have not come
> across such a persona and now have met a new member who would like to
> take on this chalange.
> Karl der Jaeger
> A poor lost German

Good Sir

I am Micheal MacElysandyr mka Michael Abrams of Clan Cromlech, Barony of
Ponte Alto.
I believe I can point you to a reference which is authenthic(as is my
spelling:] )and  verifiable.  In 1531 Christoph Weiditz published a book
of plates which include illistrations of indians(in native dress) brough
to Europe by Ferdinand Cortez(1529). The book has been republished by
Dover Publications as  "Authentic Everyday Dress of the Renaissance: All
154 plates from the "trachtenbuch" by Christoph Weiditz" ISBN

A reference of interest found on page 22 is as follows:

"The earliest publications regarding America are listed by Henry
Harissc: "A description of works relating to America published between
the years 1492 and 1551,: New York, 1866..."

I made a leather loin cloth which I wore at Pennsic last year based on
the plates XI, XII, XIII, XIV.  I pulled such a stunt due to nearly
dieing of heat exhaustion the year before.  I camped with the Sisters
Wyrd and was promptly nicnamed "naked man" by one of the warriors of
that camp.  I found my copy of the book at Borders Book Store.  I hope
you will find this information of good use.  

In service to the Dream

Micheal MacElysandyr
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