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Empire of Chivalry & Steel - some observations

Poster: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>

     1.  They use live steel.  This means that you had better be well 
     armored.  They don't use thrusting at all.  Their armor requirements 
     are a little more stringent, i.e., forearms are required and armpits 
     need to have some sort of armor covering them.  They use combat 
     archery in melees, and shields are handled differently; if the battle 
     involves combat archery, shields will be allowed; otherwise, they 
     don't use shields.  Finally, somebody who realizes that weapons can't 
     block arrows!
     2.  They're mostly out west.
     3.  They have a maximum shield size (22" x 28") and their shields are 
     only used for tourneys, no melee.
     4.  They're not very large.
     Other than that, they're a carbon copy of the SCA, near as I can tell. 
      Oh, there are (I'm sure) a few other differences, but nothing that 
     makes them significantly different.  A few rules that I wouldn't mind 
     seeing incorporated at some point.
     Ld. Jonathan Blackbow
     House O'Shannon

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