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Re: baronies/shires/etc

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swannh@psi.com>

> > > That isn't just local perception. I was OUT AND OUT TOLD 
> > > that Stierbach could not create "Shire orders." Not just that 
> > > we couldn't register their names, they were NOT ALLOWED TO 
> > > EXIST. Period. 
> > > 
> > When I was seneschale of Isenfir I was told the same thing about 
> > shire orders and awards. 
> Mmm, this is interesting.  I know our Canton is in the process of 
> creating our own little 'order'.  We know it's not official in any 
> sense of the word, and carries absolutely no 'real weight' with the SCA 
> as a whole, but that's not why we're creating it.  We're creating it 
> to honor those of our members we think serve the Canton in a 
> special function. 
> Even knowing that those involved realized that such orders were 
> completely unofficial, they still stated point blank not to create 
> them?  I'm wondering if our group will get the same sort of flak down 
> the road... 
> Julien de Montfort 

That's what I was told....granted, that was <mumble,mumble> years ago.....


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