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Re: Awards

Poster: "Chuck Graves" <Chuck_Graves@mmacmail.jccbi.gov>

Dafydd asks (rhetorically, of course),

>What does the Pearl mean, if you live in Ansteorra?  

That's easy...it means you keep explaining that really neat piece of 
jewelry around your neck.  When you're in the SCA (and folks know you hail 
from somewhere else), they ask.  It's a great lead in for showing them 
what you do.  It's really great fun for a brewer.

But, alas, his points are quite true.  We participate in a society...and 
when you cross the borders of a new kingdom, you have entered a new 
society.  You also find that one's reputation is not as transportable as 
one's household goods.

For my own part, I disagree to a point with His Excellency.  I do not 
believe the impact of an order is reduced because it is not recognized in 
foreign lands.  An Atlantian award is given for action and service in 
Atlantia--nothing reduces that recognition to me.  Though very few here 
recognize it, I do and I cherish the people who bestowed it upon me.

That is not to say that Dafydd's words are not all too true.  Surely, an 
Atlantian award not respected by Atlantians is a sad thing indeed.  But 
his words are most true with regard to praise.  The praise of someone you 
hold in esteem is the greatest treasure we have--and it rarely has some 
trinket to mark it save our fond memory.

There is one last point I would make.  I do not believe that there is any 
corner of the Known World where a gift from His Excellency would be viewed 
with anything but praise.  You are one of the truly gifted who could strip 
every piece of regalia from his person and be recognized for the Master 
you are--box, chair, card, coin, or wrap shot.  Any and all would be 
recognized in any part of our greater Society.

Official Orders are certainly not a cure-all.  They serve their purpose 
and they carry their price.  I believe one of Dafydd's points is to 
consider both sides of the coin--and he knows more about coins than anyone 
I've yet met.  8^)

Well, the kitchen is almost unpacked...I can almost brew again.  Time to 
start building a "new" reputation.


ps. is it pennsic yet?

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