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Re: coats of arms

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  >Question...  Is it really necissary to have a device registered to put it on
  >your shield?  I thought you could put just about anything on the face of a
  >shield to make it look spiff...
  Lady Kat's two cents worth:
  As a non-herald speaking primarily to newer members, might I suggest that if
  you do not have a device registered, you consider painting your _group's_
  heraldry on front of your shield?

Hmm.  As heraldry arose, it was at first the primary means of proclaiming
identity and pride on the tournament field: at a time when tournament combat
was all about reputation, ability, and personal recognition.

While for SCA administrative purposes it might be useful to use local group
arms, to me (the occasional herald) it produces a rather savage internal

If you MUST do so, why not do something that is lovely in sentiment, if not
period.  Find someone that has arms registered but who does not compete in
tournament, and ask if you could increase their renown by borrowing their
arms for your tournament shield?

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