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Re: Weeble Myths, Legends, and Truths

Poster: Jeffrey Sussman <JSussman@Erols.com>

Greetings from Duke Richard,

Amongst a lot of other stuff that Falcone said,

>Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <polearmed@worldnet.att.net>
>So why don't these individuals ever talk to these people about it?  

We should not underestimate the difficulty inherent in talking to
someone about their acknowledgement.  This is VERY hard!  Even if you
are talking to a close friend it is hard.  I'm sure that Lord Falcone
would not upbraid a brand new fighter for not bringing a complaint to my
attention, even if he was able to convince him that I would listen and
probably be impressed.  It's just part of the way things are that makes
this difficult.  

However, just because it's difficult doesn't make it avoidable.  You
won't believe how good you'll feel after going to someone and describing
a problem and being able to discuss it courteously.  Timing, courtesy
and common sense about place and privacy are very important.  

Of course, I don't guarantee that it will go well.  Some fighters are
arrogant jerks.  Some knights are Arrogant Jerks.  Some royal peers are

For my part, I Richard Fitzgilbert, do pledge to be courteous and open
minded with anyone, of any station, who will do me the great favor of
letting me know when they think I have screwed up.  This includes, but
is not limited to, anything in the list and anything having to do with
the Marshallatte.

arrogant jerk, Arrogant Jerk, and ARROGANT JERK
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