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[fwd] [EK] Vikings in Newfoundland (fwd)

Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

Thought this might be of interest....

Slainte -

Alasdair mac Iain

>From: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@MATH.HARVARD.EDU>
>To: sca-east@world.std.com (East Kingdom Mailing List)
>Subject: [EK] Vikings in Newfoundland (fwd)
>Date: Fri, 11 Apr 97 17:58:06 +0000
>-Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@MATH.HARVARD.EDU>
>Via the Ealdormere list.  Anyone fancy a VERY long drive?
>	Tibor
>  DELIVERY DATE:  For Immediate Delivery
>  Dateline:  L'anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland
>  the Vikings Return to Newfoundland!
>          On June 14, 1997,  a new living history presentation will open at
>  the L'anse aux Meadows National Historic Site, located at the tip of
>  Newfoundland's great Northern Peninsula. The Viking Encampment is a
>  historic re-creation based on the Norse explorations of North America circa
>  1000 AD. Costumed interpreters will occupy the turf houses on the actual
>  site of this Viking outpost. They will be on hand daily to answer all your
>  questions, along with the types of equipment they would have originally
>  brought with them to the country they called Vinland. Don't miss this
>  opportunity to personally experience a re-creation of a period of Canada's
>  history that is not widely known and often poorly understood.
>          Come see what life was like on the shores of Newfoundland over 500
>  years before John Cabot landed there. Experience for yourself the living
>  conditions inside a turf long house. Taste period foods cooked over the
>  open fire. Handle the tools of the Norse blacksmith and carpenter. Watch
>  demonstrations of period textile production and wood working. Learn the
>  tricks of navigation that allowed Scandinavian merchant explorers to travel
>  from the colony at Greenland. Walk the same beach that such legendary
>  figures as Lief 'the Lucky' Eiriksson once did. Meet ship's captain 'Bjorn'
>  and his wife 'Thora', along with other members of their crew.
>          The Viking Encampment uses some 200 individual reproduction
>  objects,  based on samples drawn from a number of archaeological sites .
>  Each has been painstakingly crafted to accurately reproduce original
>  artifacts from the Viking Age. The Viking Encampment is the only
>  re-creation of this time period  to be seen anywhere in North America. The
>  production designer is Darrell Markewitz of the Wareham Forge and is the
>  end result a research project started in 1992. The program is a joint
>  presentation of Parks Canada and the Viking Trails Tourism Association.
>          The Viking Encampment will open on Saturday, June 14 and continues
>  until September 1, daily  from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Admission is included
>  with your entry to the L'anse aux Meadows National Historic Park.
>          Contact:
>  the Norse Encampment Company
>  Darrell Markewitz - the Wareham Forge
>  RR # 2 Proton Sation
>  Ontario, Canada N0C 1L0
>  (519) 923 - 9219
>  wareham.forge@headwaters.com

James and/or Nancy Gilly


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