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Acorn AND Oak folding party

Poster: Rabah az-Zafar <rabah@ix.netcom.com>

	Hi guys it's your friendly neighborhood Chronicler again, and it's that
time of the month! Yep it's Acorn folding time again and we have the added
attraction of The Oak #10 to fold as well! Where is it this tiime you might
ask? Why at R Event Saturday afternoon (after I leave site and pick them up
Sat morning).
	If you were thinking about skipping R Event, please change your mind and
come join in the fun! Rabah's Karavan will be set up Friday night and
possibly Saturday Evening as well. Looking forward to seeing you all there!


ps - For those of you going to the BoD meeting I would ask that someone
send my regards to my boss, the Society Chronicler, if she is in
attendance. Thanks!

Sayyid Rabah az-Zafar
Vizier al-Kitabi al-Atlantia
(Kingdom Chronicler for Atlantia)
H (757) 631-2718
W (757) 857-4099
F (757) 857-4732

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