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Re: SCA in the news?

Poster: kittyr@pinn.net (Kitty Randall)

>Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
>Last Thursday morning (24 April 1997) I happened to be
>watching the local news of some CBS affiliate that I'm
>not familiar with -- it might have been out of Norfolk.
>They very briefly showed two lords and two ladies in
>medieval attire in what looked to be a small city park.
>The announcer said, "Don't go away; we'll tell you what
>they're doing," then they cut to commercials.  I didn't
>see any more of it, so I never did find out what they
>were doing, but I think it might have been Hole In The
>-- Alfredo el Bufon

What you saw was part of the annual recruitment demo by Tir-y-Don at
Christopher Newport University in Newport News VA.  The two lords were Sir
Tnek the Ainissestor and Martin Garryth; and the two ladies were Lady Assar
Merch Owen and myself.  The clips shown were of the four of us dancing the
Hole in the Wall as you surmised as well as clips of Sir Tnek, Lord Celric,
Gunther of Lindenwald, and myself demoing certain crafts.  They appeared on
the channel 3 during the 5pm, and 6pm newscasts on Thursday, April 16th.  I
believe Sir Tnek caught them on tape.  Too bad we didn't know about the
morning newscast!  We were also written up in the Daily Press, the Denbigh
Gazette, and the CNU shool paper.  This is the 21st year we have done this
particular demo for the school.  Wow, somebody saw us!  I feel so special!  :-)

-Lady Iseulte of the Red Cliffs

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