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Re: CAMBOK at Boat Wars!

Poster: Evan Randall Page <evanpage@ntr.net>

mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU wrote:
> Organized?
>                 CAMBOK?!!!
> I think there is a contradiction of terms there somewhere.  It just
> doesn't seem right.
> :)
> Aye,
> Eogan
> (feeling a bit silly towards the end of the semester)

Good point! A definate misuse of the term 'organize' on my part. What I 
meant to say is that I hope to get a game rolling and then frolic in the 
fun filled mayhem that follows! :) Hope to see everyone there with 

 Sincearly (most of the time),
  Orm of Elvegast.
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