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[MR] Name all seven Middle Ages, win fabulous prizes

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

> Ash <phantom@atomic.net> wrote:
> > What is the general given time for the Middle Ages?
> > as in from what to what? :)

What's so funny?

> > thank you and sorry to ask a stupid question.

Evan <damont@wolfstar.com> replied:

> It's *not* a stupid question. It is, however, a question that has no
> single answer -- and causes many religious debates, not only among
> SCAdians, but mundane historians as well.
> Master Thomas taught a class at University of Atlantia in '95 or '96
> called "The Waning of the Middle Ages" -- we decided that they started to
> end around 1450 or so, and Columbus delivered the coup de grace. Your
> mileage may vary.
> *Starting* time? I've heard everywhere from the late 200's to 1066.
> And no, I'm not about to venture an opinion. Too much depends on one's
> definition of "The Middle Ages."

I wonder about that it's plural, The Middle Age_s_.  It makes
me think that _is_ a scholarly agreement about the starting and
ending dates for a bunch of individual ages and the argument is
just about which of those ages are in the middle.  For instance, I
would suppose that Master Thomas would say that Columbus ushered
in the Age of Discovery, and that wasn't a middle age.

-- Alfredo el Bufon
When the Moon is in Aquarius
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.

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