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Re: Stupid question..

Poster: Dan Mackison <DanM@skantech.com>

Ash wrote:
> Poster: Ash <phantom@atomic.net>
> What is the general given time for the Middle Ages?
> as in from what to what? :)

Not a stupid question at all. The answer is -- it depends who you ask.

Now as to the time the SCA covers (occasionally described as the Middle
Ages and Rennaisance), it is 600AD to 1600AD with a few Roman
Legionaires and English Civil War Cavaliers thrown in to prove even
those arbitrary dates are not carved in stone.

Thomas MacFinn

| Dan Mackison                          |
| dan.mackison@pobox.com                |
| http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1824/ |
| Hilda Jarvis                          |
| hilda.jarvis@pobox.com                |
| http://www.geocities.com/Paris/6400/  |

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