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Re: "Born on the List Field"

Poster: Randy Dees <rrd@amherst.com>

_Born on the List Field_ is the fine work of Master Ivar Battleskald,
currently a resident of Calontir.  You are entirely correct (as I have
heard - I have never met this fine gentle) that he wishes the song to be
passed on only in the oral tradition.  

There are many gentles in Windmaster's Hill who know the words; if you do
not have them by Pennsic stop by the camp of the Rhydderich Hael (Look for
the _long_ war banner on the fighting field if you cannot find us) and I
will be happy to teach as many as I may.

	wistfully remembering his days in fair Attillium

| Randy Dees			| SCA:  Talorgen ni Wrguist	       |
| ASI Systems Administration	|    a bard, formerly known as Myrddyn |
 Pr 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end 
			thereof are the ways of death

On Mon, 5 May 1997, Ed Hopkins wrote:

|Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
|Quoth William of Falestone,
|W> One of the highlights of Novice Tourney was the music. Does anyone have the
|W> lyrics to "Born on the List Field," the song his majesty sang during the
|W> feast. I'm not sure if that is really the name of it, but it is in the
|W> chorus. I know the chorus from hearing HM sing it at Country Faire and would
|W> love to have all the lyrics if anyone knows them
|Respondeth James of Westmorland,
|J> [...]  You did get the title right, 
|J> however, we cannot give you the lyrics.  When this song was created, its 
|J> composer expressly requested that the song never be written down, but 
|J> only passed on by word of mouth.  I do not recall who wrote it, but he is 
|J> still around and active in the SCA, from everything I've heard, and is 
|J> still strongly set against this song being written down.  Until he 
|J> changes his mind, I suggest we abide by his wishes.  Sorry.
|I recall the composer's name, but I can't tell you it because
|he wishes that his name never be written down.  I'm pretty sure
|he doesn't want it carried over telephone lines, either.  Just
|ask me in person; I'm the one wearing per pale blue and white.
|-- Alfredo el Bufon
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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org