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Wool-lined scabards

Poster: Janet Toney/Terry Neill <71035.3227@CompuServe.COM>

>>> For those of you that remember, I was curious awhile back as to 
     whether sheep's wool would make an adequate lining for a sword 
     scabbard to protect it from the leather and weather. <<<

I read somewhere that in early period, at least, scabbards were lined with sheep
*skins*, with the wool side inward - and not washed. The lanolin in the natural
wool helped keep the blade from rusting.

I don't think spun and woven wool, as in fabric, would work as well; would wear
and tear quickly, I should think.

					Ana Ilevna, Caer Mear

(I don't know much about fighting, but I *do* know about wool, skins, and

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