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Ursula Returns Yet Again

Poster: TheUrsula@aol.com

Unto the Gentle Patrons of the Merry Rose,
Greetings from Ursula von Bremen, Atlantian Chencellor of the Exchequer 

Hello.  I'm back online - with hard drive #3! (The 3rd in 4 months).  I
logged on last night for the first time since mid April.  Took me over an
hour (I kid you not) just to delete the Merry Rose mail that I didn't have
time to read :-(

Now that I'm back online, my home phone may be tied up every now and again.
 If you're having trouble reaching me at home or you know someone who is
having trouble reaching me (sorry, no answering machine, either), you can
call me at work (ask for Jerome!) at (800) 938-6555.  It's OK to call me
there just keep it short. I can always call people back at night you've got
something complicated to discuss.  I'm generally in the office from 8am to
6pm.  If I'm not in (I get 2 hours for lunch) leave your name and number and
I WILL call you back.

In service,

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