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northern Seneschales' meeting

Poster: Kat Hintze <chhintze@bmd.clis.com>

>Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
>Unto the Seneschales and Landed Baronge of Northern Atlantia does Corn
>MacAnndra, Baron Storvik send greetings.
>I would like to announce that I will be hosting a meeting of the Northern
>Regional Seneschales at my home in Takoma Park, MD on the 20th of July.
>This date was chosen because, as yet, there is no event scheduled anywhere
>for that weekend. 

Gentle lord, 

I beg to differ.  The Shire of Cathanar's Third Summer Rapier Workshop is
scheduled for July 19 and has been in the Acorn for many months.  

I believe you would be correct to say there are no events scheduled anywhere
in the NORTHERN region for that date.  (Or perhaps in saying that a workshop
is not really an event.)  I don't think the two will really detract from one
another, since we're central region and perhaps out of range for your
populace, but there IS something going on....

In service,
Lady Katriona of NorthWoods

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