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Re: medieval cooking

Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

Quoth Tibor, at 15:09 6-5-97 +0000:
>Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>
>  The Medieval Cookbook, by Maggie Black
>  Dining with William Shakespeare, Magge Lorin
>Expensive, and not bad.
>  Fabulous Feasts, by Madeleine Pelner Cosman
>Pathetic. Her recipes are rarely close to the originals, and she doesn't
>document how or what changed.  Or where the original came from.  AVOID.
>I would HEAVILY recommend the new second edition of Pleyn Delite.  Hieatt
>and Butler and someone else...  It's just out, beautifully researched, and
>cheap in softcover.
>  You can subscribe to the Merry Rose (although I warn you here and now) it's
>  not always about food.
>Try sca-cooks@eden.com, subscribe via the listserv@eden.com (subscribe
>	Tibor

What about *Take a Thousand Eggs or More*?  Or *Seven Centuries of English
Cooking*?  Or, of course, Cariadoc's *Miscellany*?

(BTW, Tibor - do you have a life?  Or do you ever sleep?  It seems like
every time I try a new mailing list, I find you there - how in the world so
you manage to keep up with everything????)

Slainte -

Alasdair mac Iain

James and/or Nancy Gilly


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