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Re: Regarding Crown Tourney

Poster: Jeffrey Sussman <jsussman@pop.erols.com>

Greetings From the Marshal at Crown!

Rebecca wrote:

> I humbly ask the marshals to please be very loud in announcing the
> winners at events
> and remember to turn towards the populace you're next to instead of
> shouting it across the field.  It really helps those of us who know
> very little
> about fighting and what might have been strong enough for a  killing
> blow.

I assume that you mean the heralds, they're usually the ones who
announce the winners, unless the marshals are filling in for the
heralds.  Not usually the case at Crown.

At Crown, when I called hold, it was not with the intent of ending the
What actually happened was that Earl Thorbrandr has just been killed.
When I figured out what had happened there wasn't a herald in view to
pass the word to, I assume that's because it didn't look like the fight
was over.  Things never quite came back together after that.

Yours in Service to Atlantia,
Richard Fitzgilbert

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