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April and May kingdom returns
Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
I now have the info on the returns from the April and May LOI meetings...
Letters on these items will be going out within the week to the submitter.
Rhiannon, Triton
REMEMBER! These items were RETURNED!
Bodbmall nic Landric-name - name undocumentable
Bright Hills - badge - position of secondaries cannot be blazoned
Ceridwen of Moray - badge - conflict and violation of rule of tincture
Cristiana of Loch Salaan - device - conflict
Finn Mac Iolair - name and device - name undocumentable
Finn Mac Iolair - badge - no name (NOTE: A name must be registered before
or in conjunction with any armory submissions. If the name is returned, so
must be the armory.)
Gregory Blount - device - conflict/rules violation
Highland Foorde - badge - appearance of marshalling
Marsali Fox - badge - conflict
Thomas Broadpaunch - badge - rule of tincture violation
Valentine Ravenwood - device - conflict
Aron Niedzwiedz - device - redraw needed
Daemon Broussard - name and device - name undocumentable; device cannot be
Giovanni Rocco - badge - conflict
Mian the Stout - device - redraw needed
Morwenna of Oakleigh - badge - conflict
Morwenna of Oakleigh - device - ???? (I didn't receive the reason for this
Ragnel Gry - device - redraw
Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia
House Corvus, Sacred Stone
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