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Re: Emerald Joust - What happened?

Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>

> Poster: PETERSR@spiegel.becltd.com (Peters, Rise J.)
> >>How did Emerald Joust go?
> Well.
> <snip>
> >>Did anyone go out on the Gyrfalcon (viking boat in the lake)?
> I saw some folks out paddling around on Saturday, I think it was.
   I was out in her twice Saturday (first time with oars only, 
second time we got the sail up).  Sunday she was out for five
trips up the lake (if I remember correctly what Fred said, may
have been six.  I had other things to do and didn't make it for 
any of them...).  An aside, on the first trip on Saturday we
ferried the Royal Herald to the beach area to consult with the
King, who had gone swimming...   :-)

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