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Re: Auspices for holding names

Poster: Michael and MJ Houghton <herveus@access.digex.net>

> Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
> > melys inquired:
> > [...] 
> > > i thought that under certain circumstances a holding name [...]
> > > would be registered if a name didn't pass, and [...] that the
> > > holding names were created specifically so that a device
> > > could still be considered if the name bounced.  did i dream this?
> > [...]
> And Herveus elucidated:
> > You are correct that under certain circumstances a holding name will be
> > formed. However, those circumstances did not occur. [...]
> What are those circumstances?
> Does it have anything to do with the Alignment of the Planets?

Those circumstances are that the name is returned by Laurel but the armory
is accepted. Since the name was returned in kingdom, it never got to Laurel.
Kingdom heralds do not have the liberty of forming holding names; only Laurel
may do so.

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