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Re: April and May kingdom returns (fwd)

Poster: Judy Gerjuoy <jaelle@access.digex.net>

Unto the People of Atlantia does Jaelle of Armida, Laurel Queen of Arms
send greetings:

I do not read the Merry Rose, but a message that was posted on it was
recently sent to me.  Before answering the question, l would like to
remind people that I do not have time to read the Atlantian (or any 
kingdom) mailing list, but that I *do* read and answer e-mail, and if you
have questions on heraldic policy, you can always reach me at

> Poster: "Thorpe, John" <thorpj@caepo1.ColumbiaSC.NCR.com>


> Laurel will create a holding name if the device passes Laurel,
> but the name doesn't.
> Now to start some trouble.....8^)  Sorry, but I can't resist.
> Why can't we send the passed device with the failed name and a
> request to Laurel to create a holding name?  At the risk of
> falling into the Heraldic Black Hole(tm) we could pend the
> device until the name passes Kingdom rather than rejecting it
> outright.  I think Midrealm does this--but there have been
> problems.
> The reason I suggest these two options is client satisfaction.
> Why should perfectly good armory be rejected simply because
> the name won't go through?  I do have another reason that is
> somewhat obscure, but still a valid concern.  I can forsee
> a raging debate over it, that will resolve nothing, so I
> won't mention it further.

There are a number of reasons.  First, by returning the name in kingdom,
the turn around time can be greatly reduced.  There were times, when I was
Triton, that I would return a name in-kingdom, and a resub would be back
in time to send it out the next month.  If a submission goes out with an
unregisterable name, the submitter will not hear of the problem for an
additional 5 months.

Second, it will encourage submission heralds to be lazy and do their
submitters a disservice.  They will fail to do any work on names that need
some help, and more names will be returned by Laurel.

Remember, while there *are* exceptions, most people are more concerned
about their names then their armory. There are a number of ways to
increase/decrease customer service - and it does no good to help in one
way if you are hurting in another.

Finally, and this is of least importance, this will add greatly to the
burden of Laurel and the College of Arms. Now, if I thought that it would
have a positive impact on the people we serve, I would go ahead with this
idea anyway, because the heralds of the society are here to *serve* the
people of the society. However, I am not going to *add* to our burdens
when the net result will be a *loss* of service to our submitters.

If anyone has any further questions of comments, feel free to contact me
directly, as I do not read this list.

Yours in service,

Jaelle of Armida

If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely 
challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn 
between a desire to improve the world, and a desire to enjoy the world. 
This makes it hard to plan the day. - E. B. White

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