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Auxillium et Concillium - June 14
Poster: "Brown, Tracey" <tbrown@charlotte.glenayre.com>
Greetings from the autocrat of Auxillium et Concillium! Two weeks away
so I thought I'd post the event flyer and class schedule now. Hope to
see everyone there!!!
The Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone invites one and all to
join us for our annual Auxillium et Concillium on June 14 in Charlotte,
***The Cost - $3.00/person
***The Times - Site opens at 9:00am and closes at 5:00pm.
***The Classes - Starting at 10:00am (schedule below). For complete
class descriptions, there will be a link off the University of Atlantia
web page (http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/atlantia/university_atlantia.html
: thanks Gregory Blount of Isenfir) or contact me directly.
***The Fighting - HRH Logan is in charge of heavy weapons fighting so
there will be plenty of it starting at 10:00am (Tourneys starting at
1:00pm). In addition, Baron Kostka will be running Rapier practice
after lunch.
***The Food - There will be no feast, but there will be a food merchant
on site and maps to local eateries will be available at troll.
***The Post Revel - Scheduled at the home of Lord Michael Ryan of York
directly after the event. Directions will be available at troll.
Crash space is available, but please contact the autocrat ahead of time
if at all possible so arrangements can be made.
Questions or comments can be directed to the autocrat: Cassandra the
Forlorn (Tracey Brown), 238-6 Orchard Trace Lane, Charlotte, NC 28213.
(704) 597-0893. tbrown@charlotte.glenayre.com
Directions: Take your best route to I-77 heading into Charlotte. Take
exit 5 (Tyvola Road) away from the coliseum (there will be signs to
direct you). Go approx 1 mile and Smith Middle School will be on your
right. Turn into the first parking lot.
10:00 - 11:00
Room 1 - Lady Rhiannon ui Neill, Triton Principal Herald - Using the
Rules for Submissions for Designing Names
Room 2 - Lord Michael Ryan - The History of European Archery (2 hours)
Room 3 - Lady Caitlin Cheannlaidir - Making Wound Glass Beads: A
Lampworking Demonstration and Practicum (2 hours)
Room 4 - Lord Gawain Kilgore - Leatherworking
Room 5 - Lady Brianna O'Duinn - Ribbon Braiding
Cafeteria - Lady Rebecca the Contrary - Getting Started With Scrolls (2
Gymnasium - Lord Jonathan Blackbow - Amateur Juggling 102
11:00 - 12:00
Room 1 - Lady Rhiannon ui Neill, Triton Principal Herald - Vocal
Room 2 - Lord Michael Ryan - The History of European Archery (cont+d)
Room 3 - Lady Caitlin Cheannlaidir - Making Wound Glass Beads (cont+d)
Room 4 - Lard Eogan Og Mac Labruinn - Scottish Garb (1000-1600 A.D.)
Room 5 - Master Bran Trefonnen - Autocratting 101
Cafeteria - Lady Rebecca the Contrary - Getting Started With Scrolls
Gymnasium - Baron Kostantin Volkovitch - Rapier 101
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
Room 1 - Master Bran Trefonnen, Sea Stag Herald, Triton Staff - Heraldic
Room 2 - Emare de Beauvais - Women in Medieval Literature
Room 4 - Lady Lasair Burke - Weaving Narrow Bands (2 hours)
Cafeteria - Lard Eogan Og Mac Labruinn - Period Games
Cafeteria - Lady Rebecca the Contrary - open scriptorium
Gymnasium - Dryw MacMorcat - Basic Dance Class
Field - HRH Logan Ebonwoulfe - Various Tourneys (till ?)
Field 2 - Baron Kostantin Volkovitch - Rapier practice (till ?)
2:00 - 3:00
Room 1 - Baroness Eliska Alesandrovna, Sacred Stone Pursuivant -
Designing Heraldry for Non-Heraldic Cultures
Room 2 - Sir William the Stout - 11th Century Monarchy
Room 3 - Lady Caitlin Cheannlaidir - Medieval Stained Glass: Aesthetic
and Practical Considerations
Room 4 - Lady Lasair Burke - Weaving Narrow Bands (cont+d)
Cafeteria - Lady Brianna O'Duinn - Bardic Performance in the SCA
Cafeteria - Lady Rebecca the Contrary - open scriptorium
Gymnasium - Dryw MacMorcat - Dance Class
3:00 - 4:00
Room 1 - Baroness Eliska Alesandrovna, Sacred Stone Pursuivant -
Armorial Style/Designing Arms
Room 2 - Lord Gawain Kilgore - History of the Merry Rose
Room 4 - Lady Tamsin Barker and Lord Rohern von Rhine - Easy Garb for
Beginners and Pennsic (2 hours)
Room 5 - Lord Jonathan Blackbow - Combat Archery: Tactics 101
Cafeteria - Lady Rebecca the Contrary - open scriptorium
Gymnasium - Baron Achbar ibn Ali - Eight Basic Drum Beats
4:00 - 5:00
Room 1 - Baron Peter Hawkyns, Pursuivant-at-Large - Canting Arms
Room 2 - Sir William the Stout - Marshalling
Room 3 - Lady Deirdre of Boolteens - Beginning Needlelace
Room 4 - Lady Tamsin Barker and Lord Rohern von Rhine - Easy Garb for
Beginners and Pennsic (cont+d)
Room 5 - Lord Jonathan Blackbow - Combat Archery: The Arrows
Cafeteria - Lady Rebecca the Contrary - open scriptorium
Gymnasium - Dryw MacMorcat - Dance Class
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