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Re: pied piper

Poster: "BARY E. SEARS" <besears@erols.com>

dragonfly@w-link.net wrote:
> Poster: dragonfly@w-link.net
> Some ideas for pied piper activities:
>         Mask decoration (glue pieces of cloth, feathers, trim etc. to the basic
> white half-mask) (I saw this done very successfully in Madrone--the mask
> making contest was aimed at adults, but the kids went wild with it).
>         Pouch making
>         For the older kids--shoe making (simple moc. patterns are
> easy--requires materials and kids responsible enough to wield a needle)
>         Banner making
>         All sorts of organized games
>         treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, quests, etc.
>         bread dough creatures (with an adult to fry in oil for eating)
>         clay projects
>         daisy chains
>         hat decoration (make basic robin hood style felt hats and get feathers
> to decorate or make those long conical hats for girls)
> Gotta go (more later)
> Calote
> dragonfly@w-link.net
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I have found that it is never too early to involve children in the 
culinary pursuits.  I have successfully demo'd the art of kneading
bread dough to children as young as 5 (after admonishing them to wash
their hands--adult supervision is required).  They tend to be fascinated
by tactile imputs.  If you have a site where you can safely set aside
the dough to rise and then actually cook and serve the bread you have
real potential.  The trick is to never give a child a portion of 
dough bigger than their fist to knead.  Having a few loaves of bread
finished for the children to try is great---having dough in the rising
phase is fun.  Kids tend to be fascinated by the fact that dough to 
bread is a physical thing---it doesn't necessarily come from the 
supermarket or from a bread-maker.  By-the-by, baker's apprentices were
very frequently male---they were viewed as having the necessary 
strength for the task at hand (never mind that women were kneading bread
dough routinely). 

Have fun,
Cordelia fitzRobert of York

P.S. Someone pass me a cider, I just made my first entry to the Merry 
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